was "chiming"

Laura Dickerson lauradi at 1Mrw4byyEetgcESd9BGvhe6Y62JYiod8ZSCV1qQebZX5-7FlMW3MpQGtsmKdUyfgtesde4mp876lNA.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 22 11:42:57 BST 2008

JEC wrote:
>>Crumbs, Laura!  You of all people are happy with sex discrimination?<<

	I'm not happy with sex discrimination, but in my mind I guess I've always put this one into the list of unnecessary but mostly harmless distinctions, possibly based on average size (as modernly the suggested baseline kcalorie intake is higher for men than for women).  
	My definition of tolling would have been based on slowness (the amount of silence between sounds).

Laura Dickerson


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