[Bell Historians] Treherne - a bellfounder?

Carl Scott Zimmerman csz_stl at C1qOAk6ftQncEyp7MgAP6LeUYgealbJQMCs7Bfijr8yxezVUw66oYGdNXtxJ3IQcPS36mLijhqwT.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jul 31 14:23:57 BST 2009

At 08:18 -0400 2009/07/31, khsbelring at yF6wAU-chBFgp18Z052uanKl7DviRNImmdWQCx4Unu9tTa0uV7DIPURPujNXcLvG8OQ53Qe0ampkcA.yahoo.invalid wrote:
>Could this bell have come from Treherne, Manitoba, Canada. Howard Smith

Highly unlikely, since that area wasn't settled until the 1870s.

At 09:21 +0100 2009/07/31, George Dawson wrote:
>Are photographs of this bell available?
>Exactly where is it?

I don't have a photo, but I have requested one from the person who 
told me about the bell.

The bell is reportedly at Christ Church, Philadelphia - a parish 
which was organized in 1695.  Curiously, the parish Website, which 
has an extensive section on holdings of historical artifacts, does 
not seem to mention this bell.

Investigations continue!

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