[Bell Historians] Holy Trinity, Bolton

David Bryant davidbryant at F6q-dh5ESlApakevzgCn9ccCRewisJXkzlAEgeN89kqJgRFA_20CVQBUmg4n2wKf7gtJeTa8JbS1Vby09YAqQTvG.yahoo.invalid
Tue May 12 07:43:24 BST 2009

"Well, David, can't be every day that you get one over on Cawley and 

Indeed not!

On those photos, there appears to be the foundation grillage and at least 
some gate-ends remaining in the tower. The Preston ringers have a website at 
http://www.bellringing.tk/, but it isn't clear whether any of the frame from 
Bolton was used, or whether the existing frame at Preston (which it is 
stated was metal and of 1914) was used for the bells.



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