GCHQ and earlier

Frank King Frank.King at 7R3Xx9ZG2SfjNMl1074PSDouYKHqkEmm1tsTCHpFMYJsMFsoEykozeuNRHlOcyn5VzOZ-nfvqmxkd6kl0rOt2IY.yahoo.invalid
Wed Nov 25 21:27:59 GMT 2009

John Camp wrote:

> ...I know of at least two ringers who
> work at ...GCHQ.

Does anyone know of any ringers who
worked at Bletchley Park during WWII?

One might surmise that someone who could
compose a peal of, say, Cambridge or
Kent Major (or anything else that has
challenging falseness) in a world that
had no computers might have been good
at cracking codes.

Much of the work was essentially on
permutation theory and number theory
and the parallels are obvious.

The long period of post-war secrecy is
well known but one or two links may have
come to light?

Frank H. King
The University Bellringer
Cambridge, U.K.


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