[Bell Historians] Daily Telegraph letter The Hope for Harmonious Bells.

Charles Lucy lucy at d_iy9pY2W2SC34Jwub8kJbVIBHm3mQLC2XT7oNcNFrkomA-gf-DeN7CQMI6r-LaHhAGu-a3TCXnQg4ZrIg.yahoo.invalid
Thu Oct 22 16:52:43 BST 2009

Here's my contribution to the letters to the Telegraph debate:

Were the bells to be tuned more harmoniously, as per John 'Longitude'  
Harrison's instructions, we may be able to create harmony between all  
parties and even satisfy the noise abatement society.

Charles Lucy
lucy at ucosnkPKc9vN6h3wReIrlMqioKn04bwfpsbOkNSLvlLuTsHOwpoIkSAIIr1IBB1WDovteRwZ7w.yahoo.invalid

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