[Bell Historians] Re: Dove and Doncaster heads.

Chris Pickford c.j.pickford.t21 at Hv7MX7umu2QPg6N8nmaqHdNGMtc8VY7op37U2AIpFNxeCSyblACGm6bsGytM168RndXtzIYcZb2zEgxU74ACWbbxvq980BIGn0s.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 3 19:12:08 GMT 2010

Thanks to David for a very full and informative reply - all useful. I think Beetley can be easily beaten for the earliest radial canons, though, as I've seen mediaeval bells with six canons set radially (can't cite an example off the top of my head though). Of the Birmingham founders, Barwell certainly used Doncaster heads, but Carr and Blews used traditional canons.

Regarding argents, I agree with DLC that "It all depends on how the argent is defined" and should have perhaps used the term "raised argent" in my earlier posting - i.e. the key thing with what Rod calls short canons is that the top of the argent (as DLC says, essentially a solid core) is more or less flush with the canons.

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