[Bell Historians] Re: Clock = Klok = Bell

Anne Willis zen16073 at nvcKszbIsqBu1M8kjlhBmUBTBFRyPD-QtWz-g3thYSkLchbIeGcJx9lHAVei9OdsdtMQRD85kb0xBdk.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jan 8 15:30:39 GMT 2010

>Peter Whisker

 >From the 7th to the 11th century, Ireland remained one of the few 
>centres of civilisation in Europe with the important university at 
>Glendalough was one of the few major centres for study and writing in 
>western Europe with Ireland becoming know as the "Land of Saints and 
>Scholars". Christianity had all but died out in Britian and large parts 
>of Western Europe, and the Irish monastic centres produced many 
>evangelists who went out across Britain and Europe, to Italy, 
>Switzerland, France, Germany. Columba, Aidan, Fiacre being well known 
>St. Fiacre gives his name to horse drawn cabs in Italy...).

I don't think that does justice to the evangelising of the Saxons or their
scholarship.  It was not just the Irish who went out to Europe. The English
mission to the Germanic peoples can, according to Peter Hunter Blair, 'be
regarded as one of the most remarkable achievements in the whole history of
the Church in England'.  Missionaries included Wilfred, Boniface, Willibrod,
Alcuin to name but a few.  John Blair's 'The Church in Anglo-Saxon Society'
is a very good introduction to the subject.



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