Ringing chamber floor size.

Alan Buswell aaj.buswell at PCN5UJfCErjKfHv9Ow-ppQKDBF2Te2devpHEco8_73ZTq-fiqGHE-BuvfzF9HLiax_NbyyiUV8Hh84W2JkwHZ9x4Xw.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jan 27 11:43:02 GMT 2010

This may not necessarily be for the Historians List but can anyone help? I am formulating ideas for a QP mini/mobile report in the RW. There is no firm definition for these rings. Is it weight driven, but what weight? How about size? Floor space? Does anyone know what the smallest ringing chamber is in square footage?  It does not have to be a mini-ring. Answers (if any) off line should you wish. Any help much appreciated.

Alan Buswell.           
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