[Bell Historians] Frederick Ouseley and St Barnabas Pimlico

Alan Taylor alantaylor at NVKqN7pO03Fhr9kT25EUYWLEJ3Q3wd1C6oeRhXJAXYLzGkTerSElLPBeGza5TjpS5q-plFqcEj1SvJ5sHgOhCEQg.yahoo.invalid
Tue Apr 5 22:43:00 BST 2011

Ousely also paid for and designed the organ in St Barnabas Pimlico. 


Another book on his life is “The life of Rev Sir F.A.G Ouseley, Bart” by
Joyce and Sinclair.


If anyone would like to come and see the church and bells and have a ring,
let me Know.




From: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com [mailto:bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Chris Pickford
Sent: 05 April 2011 22:03
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Bell Historians] Frederick Ouseley and St Barnabas Pimlico



Having spent five years of my school life as a boarder at St.Michael's
Tenbury (from the age of eight to thirteen), I'm quite sure that my tastes
and interests in architecture, music and churchmanship all owe quite a lot
to Ouseley! St.Michael's has been described as a Tractarian dream, and its
school buildings and church (Henry Woodyer 1854-6) remain largely intact -
although the school closed some 20 years ago. 


Ouseley was indeed caught up in anti-ritualist riots in Pimlico. There's
more about it in David Bland's book "Ouseley and his Angels: The Life of
St.Michael's College, Tenbury, and its Founder" (2000) - a good read for
anyone interested in the subject


Sadly, St.Michael's never had bells - just two early Warner tinklers (1855
and 1856) in openings in the west front. They were rehung by Bill Berry in
2008, one to swing chime and the other to sound with a trigger-action
clapper. There's a horrendous ladder for anyone who really wants to see the
bells close to - I don't recommend it! Later in the C19th the Arts & Crafts
architect C.E. Mallows published designs for a separate bell tower, but it
was never built. Later still, in 1923, an old boy gave two bells (G&J 1900 -
8 and 12 cwt) that had been cast for Pietermaritzburg Cathedral in South
Africa, but never sent - probably because of the Boer War. They were sold to
Taylors for scrap, and the proceeds used to pay for two oak screens around
the organ.


Changing period completely, list members may like to be aware of a new book
just out - Terry Friedman's monumental study of The Eighteenth-Century
Church in Britain (Yale, 2011). It's 790 pages - packed with quality
illustrations (739 in all) - plus a further 600 pages of information on a
CD-ROM. It features all major churches of the period all over Britain,
including many of the London towers with rings, and a huge amount of source
material (especially on the CD) not previously published. A really superb
book - not cheap (£60), but a mine of information and interest



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