[Bell Historians] Horton Glos old tenor

matthewhigby at Iv0IkriV9x6TYqIcTEzUWVJywqIYX6p1_-pFuU3jcPjLj3irwBKBcSkkjhJp9MDwMpw4RJmi6GOy1_U.yahoo.invalid matthewhigby at Iv0IkriV9x6TYqIcTEzUWVJywqIYX6p1_-pFuU3jcPjLj3irwBKBcSkkjhJp9MDwMpw4RJmi6GOy1_U.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jan 1 20:01:13 GMT 2011

Not that I know of. Bob Parker had a good look at it whilst he 
extracted its cast in staple. He knows more than most about old bells 
from our area. I'll ask him next week.



Does anyone know if the founder of the old tenor at Horton, 
Gloucestershire, has been positively identified? Bliss & Sharpe 
strongly suggest that it is by Robert Norton of Exeter, but stated that 
this awaited verification by John Scott. Did this ever happen?

Many thanks,

Andrew Bull

-----Original Message-----
From: a_m_bull <a_m_bull at IDpxM4NAZ6CpqQw0r_UVInwbyug73aMONsQHvh5QeHKoAa5hFxLatOXge52zGxT2e4P39UxIooYFctLhnpA.yahoo.invalid>
To: bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 19:57
Subject: [Bell Historians] Horton Glos old tenor

Does anyone know if the founder of the old tenor at Horton, 
Gloucestershire, has been positively identified? Bliss & Sharpe 
strongly suggest that it is by Robert Norton of Exeter, but stated that 
this awaited verification by John Scott. Did this ever happen?

Many thanks,

Andrew Bull


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