[Bell Historians] Oldest Christian Bell

Richard Smith richard at Z6LEVM4Va6j9MLdN-tDYsPn_mgl60SpHQ1QGTGzgU_MB3tVpWHDH6sXDFeDyo0y7F33jmFw_ZbVJoH46XjM.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 13 11:12:54 BST 2012

Kevin Jones wrote:

> There is a 2nd Century bell at Tarragona Museum in Spain.

2nd century bells are not especially rare.  A quick internet 
search suggests you can buy one yourself for less than £200 
(from genuine-looking antiques dealerships or auction 
houses: I'm not referring to items of dubious provenance on 
eBay).  Almost invariably they're small enough to fit 
comfortably in one hand, and generally they're either 
hemispherical or have a cylindral waist and a hemispherical 
crown.  If the one at Tarragona doesn't fit this general 
type, I would be interested to know more.  In particular, 
I've heard of an extant Roman bell with anything resembling 
a sound bow, nor anything large enough to be heard over any 
distance, and certainly nothing to prove Christian use in 
Roman times.


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