[Bell Historians] Old North Church, Boston

Chris Pickford c.j.pickford.t21 at JtHoDfC2JR82si2gUpQL82J-Oqt8cp0zDh8rB7RqMheDUW1dC5MCE5wkxk5Y4YJ_dJstlx3njprTZQbigLbQqGh9FpLtES-8.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jun 16 10:23:38 BST 2012

Some of Michael Simpson's information was doubtless from a publication 
"Christ Church Bells" (Boston, 1904). I have a photocopy and the text 
include subscription lists and an account of fund-raising efforts. It 
says that the scheme was promoted by the first rector, Dr. Cutler, who 
"resolved to furnish its massive brick tower with a ring of bells" 
following the completion of the spire in 1740, and opened a 
correspondence with Abel Rudhall in the spring of 1742. The booklet 
mentions the 1723 church and the College Youths, but (hasty read) I 
can't see any mention of Shute.

Michael quotes the essentials, but there is quite a bit more in the 1904 
publication. I can't recall where I got my copy from, but checking the 
CCCP (there's a jibe taking some of us back to our disrespectful student 
days in the 70s when we viewed the Central Council in much he same way 
as the Societ Union!) Library catalogue I see that the Library has two 
copies (nos 565a and 992). So worth contacting Alan Glover

As to the claim these were the first, it's worth drawing attention to 
the following extract published by John Eisel in the supplement to 
"Order & Disorder", referring to eight bells - not necessarily a ring, 
of course - in New York:

Letters from New York inform us, That there is lately hung up a set of 
eight Bells, in the chief Church of that City, which is so great a 
rarity to the Indians, who are fond Lovers of all sorts of Musick, that 
the Novelty draws multitudes of them to that City to see and hear them: 
and they go away amazed with the greatness of the English that can 
effect such Things as seem to them so wonderful.

(/Flying Post or The Post Master/, Tues. 31 Dec. 1700 - Thurs. 2 Jan. 
1701; this was possibly Trinity, Wall Street, which received a charter 
from William III in 1697, and the first service was held in 1698. A 
print of this church, published in 1740, shows that it had a tower and 

Chris Pickford 4 Walmsley Court, High Street, Kinver, DY7 6HG Tel: 01384 
878435 or (mobile) 07811 453525 E-mail: c.j.pickford at dBtfKw7vC9kRGYJW1rNyFxYQtjOS6iH3ADIlzlC-arsXy_dbeG7FDT62xw2QDFi-TfpbJpjS3VxP12PPnfDdiA.yahoo.invalid or 
(interchangeably) c.j.pickford.t21 at 2uD_0gvKedvCc7Bpin6Pjv4Zl2I2Vdkx6vkMduTaWmMFBCWVX5yIKFYGwIOUytogOs8jXK-8YDsoR9K5BCkpETp2lNBp9nFg.yahoo.invalid

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