[Bell Historians] Bell Recordings

John Harrison john at c_rz-Ktyvi_uacDnBfpYyfpqaD0p55ZksAGSjR5c6rvwdUYohs2M9LTAYcypGJYpOh_ygLPv9XTk2jb6PwTW.yahoo.invalid
Sun May 13 20:55:44 BST 2012

> I am not sure what to suggest if the recording is to be played back at
> some volume from the tower -

Even if the recording is good, playing it back from the tower loud enough
to sound credible might demand some meaty (and probably expensive) kit.
Maybe locating the speakers closer to the area where the action (ie
photography) is would reduce the power needed.

> except to consider asking some handbell ringers to ring for them instead!

If you can find a band willing to do it, I would recommend that.  It's
more personal, because you are there performing for them, not hidden,
and it often creates interest for the guests.

You need loud bells though.  Handbells suitable for change ringing in a
living room get lost in a churchyard.  I have Malmark bells, which have
three loudness settings, the the loudest of which is only suitable for
use outside, or in a large hall.


John Harrison
Website http://jaharrison.me.uk


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