[Bell Historians] An enquiry

Dickon Love dickon at ...
Mon Apr 1 16:55:36 BST 2013

"This message is being sent via the Chairman, Alan Frost, to members of the
CC's T&Bs Committee and to the Historians' list as being specialised members
of the ringing fraternity who may be the most likely to be able to assist.

It has been suggested that the wider ringing community might also to be able
to help, and to that end it has been given publicity on the Dove website.
Please look at the situation described on the webpage pointed at by today's
News item and do help if you are able to do so and, as suggested,
illustrated with suitable photos.

On behalf of the enquirer, thank you. "

The link that John Baldwin refers to is:

I can advise that both my latest project have trap doors installed in this
way, viz St Dunstan-in-the-West and St James Garlickhythe in the City of



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