Eijsbouts Olympic Bell.

JimPhillipsjim.phillipse9ox at X2T8HlQDw-cSDY8_l2dFfdANKizD7hEwssacSM7HNAUQWN9xP48dyZx3unT56vghMOtrMVN-R7MDcPqemGU-8a5sFwc1_rg.yahoo.invalid JimPhillipsjim.phillipse9ox at X2T8HlQDw-cSDY8_l2dFfdANKizD7hEwssacSM7HNAUQWN9xP48dyZx3unT56vghMOtrMVN-R7MDcPqemGU-8a5sFwc1_rg.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jan 4 11:56:56 GMT 2013

On Wednesday, 2 January 2013 @ 23:47 Carl Scott Zimmerman wrote:-

>The annual Christmas & New Year greeting card from Royal Eijsbouts 
>highlights 12 quite varied projects completed during 2012.  One item 
>is this:

>"London, United Kingdom - Acting as sub-contractor to the Whitechapel 
>Bell Foundry Ltd., a very large bell was cast for the opening 
>ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.  The bell, having a net 
>weight of twenty-three tons, was accurately tuned (eleven partials, 
>strike note B) making it the tallest harmonically tuned bell in the 

Could someone please confirm that all eleven partials could clearly be heard and were in 

tune with the tuning-forks.  If tuning-forks were not used anywhere in the tuning process then the bell could not have been harmonically tuned.
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