[Bell Historians] List of long lengths
Richard Smith
richard at ex-parrot.com
Wed Sep 25 16:58:11 BST 2013
michael.wilby at gmail.com wrote:
> What's the case for/against the 1690 peal?
Trollope gives a lengthy analysis of the arguments for and
against the peal in his unpublished "London Ringers and
Ringing in the Seventeenth and Eighteen Centuries", and,
regrettably, I cannot immediately think of any evidence that
has come to light in the past 80 years that might require a
re-evaluation of the arguments. He concludes "that there
are very good reasons for accepting the account of the 1690
peal, and the objections are not unsurmountable." I concur:
on balance, it probably happened.
As the Trollope MS is handwritten and fairly poorly indexed,
I've reproduced his argument below. (That's not intended as
a criticism of the CC's CD of the MS: they've done as good a
job as their time and buget has permitted.) The
transcription is mine, as are any errors in it. I dare say
it's still copyright and I shouldn't really reproduce such a
large chunk, but I hope no-one will object. The quoted
passage is from volume 2, chapter 3, pages 498-522.
The Great Fire which laid waste the centre of London and
destroyed so many towers and bells, must have seemed to
ringers especially a disaster, but it proved in the end
rather a blessing. In a very short time new towers were
ringing on the ashes of the old, and there was a great
activity in bell-founding. Meanwhile the College Youhts did
not suffer any lessening of their activities, for they had
still several towers to practice at, and sometime about 1680
they discovered the merits of Grandsire Triples. Where they
got it from we cannot say. It was one of the fifte-three
peals composed for the Society by Stedman, but he called it
College Triples, and it is at least likely that it was rung
not only by the College Youths, but by other ringers as the
natural extension of Grandsire Doubles to seven bells. At
any rate some time before the century ended it was being
practiced by bands in different parts of the country, and
presently was the only method rung in eight bell towers,
except for Plain Bob Triples.
Just once the curtain is lifted a little and we get a
glimpse of the actual doing of the College Youths. On March
18th 1684 they rang on the back six as St Saviour's
Southwark, a 720 of each Oxford Treble Bob, College Bob, and
Single Oxford Bob, "the first time that so much was ever
rung without standing." The tenor weighed 47 cwt, and
therefore it is certain that ten or a dozen men were
required to ring this length, for at the time and long
after, it was the custom to have two, three or even four men
to a heavy bell. Earlier in the same year, we are told,
they rang two eighteen scores of Grandsire Triples, followed
two days later by 700 changes in the same method. These
performances were at St Sepulchre's Holborn, and it was at
that church that the Society is said to have rung on January
7th 1689--90 the whole peal of Plain Bob Triples in three
hours and three quarters. This reports has generally been
discredited by writers, but as the claim is to be first five
thousand ever accomplished, it is necessary to examine it
carefully before we decide whether it is likely to be sound
or not.
The evidence, as we now have it, is contained in a statement
on the front page of one of the Society's peal books and the
account is said to have been taken from the Oxford Ringers
Register Book and to have been communicated by Mr George
Scarsbrook in 1796. As it stands it is a composite
production. Part was copied from a manuscript written in
1738, part from Shipway and perhaps Osborn, and part is
editorial comment. Who actually wrote it, apparently is not
known, but it is done so badly that it is quite easy to see
the joins between the parts taken from different sources.
The only portion which need concern us here, for it is the
only portion which has any historical authority, is that
copied by Scarsbrook from the Oxford Ringers' book. The
original is lost, but it evidently was written in the year
1738 by a man who had, or professed to have, intimate
knowledge of the College Youths, and who was a University
man not a townsman. I came to the latter conclusion from
the fact that he gives a date with the double style --- old
and new. In 1738 the Oxford ringers used the old style as
did the College Youths and the generality of people, but the
more educated people such as University men, were either
using the new style, although the law had not yet been
altered, or else were using both. If we compare the dates of
some early Oxford peals given by Hearne with the dates in
the Oxford peal book we shall find that they differ by a
year. The writer of the manuscript, then whoever he was,
clearly was a man interested in ringing and familiar with
the doings of the College Youths. It was not Hearne, for he
seems to have known nothing about London ringers apart from
Annable's visit in 1733; but though ringing largely
disappeared in Oxford as an undergraduates sport, there were
still some University men who took a great interest in the
art. Such a one was John Sacheveral, a gentleman who lived
at Cumnor. As he was a member of the Society of College
Youths and had been steward in 1702, he had come into
personal touch with the men who had taken part in the peal
if ever it were rung. He had a great reputation in Oxford
as an authority on bells and ringing and he may have been
the author of the manuscript, but in any case it is clear
that there were men in Oxford in 1738 who might be supposed
to know something about the history and doings of the
College Youths.
The writer of the Oxford manuscript gives a short sketch of
early ringing and is relying for the early part of it on
tradition. The College Youths he says first rang a
Six-Score of Plain Bob Doubles "about 96 years ago" which
was in 1642. Although that is the year in which the Civil
War began and when as we know many of the leading College
Youths left London and ringing for sterner things, the
statement is probably founded on a tradition or it may be on
an entry in the Societys rule book, and it can be
corroborated by circumstantial evidence. The Sixes were
invented about 1610. Then followed many years in which the
art developed very slowly. Grandsire Doubles was composed
about 1750 [sic --- clearly 1650 is meant]. Plain Bob
Doubles was called "Old" Doubles in 1667 and so was some
years earlier, and very well may have been rung first in
1642. When dealing with Stedman the writer is generally
correct, but inaccurate in details, as a man often is when
recording something other people remember, which he has no
means of checking. The later editor too has had a hand
here, for it was he who added the comment after the
reference to Grandsire Bob on Six --- "which we call Plain
Bob". As he gets nearer his own time the Oxford man writes
with much greater certitude. He gives more details and
evidently is recording performances which were within the
personal knowledge of the people to whom he talked.
On the whole then we many consider that the Oxford
manuscript did contain a true account of performances rung
in the late seventeenth century by the College Youths, and
we might take it as conclusive if we could be sure that the
later account is a fairthful copy. But of that there is no
We must next ask the question, Is the record inherently
probable? Are the College Youths likely to have achieved
such a performance at so early a date? The only possible
answer is that judging from what we know of the development
of the art at the time there is no reason to think such a
peal impossible or even improbable. If the date had been a
few years earlier it would have been a different matter but
the art was advancing rapidly and the conditions we find in
Stedman's Campanalogia were being left behind by the more
expert companies. Twenty years earlier, we must remember, a
third of the peal had been rung, and very likely by the
College Youths.
The time the peal is said to have taken --- three hours and
three quarters -- will appear now-a-days as excessive and
almost impossible, but actually is one of those small
details which lend credence to the report, for it is too
long to have been invented in 1738. The only other peal
known to have been rung on those bells was Grandsire Caters
in 1731 and that took three hours and a half. But in 1690
there would be two men to all the bigger bells and perhaps
three to the tenor, and the bells would be rung right up to
the balance.
The evidence for the peal is good but not conclusive and the
report is not inherently improbable, yet it has generally be
disbelieved in the Exercise. And first on account of the
early date. The first authentiic peal is supposed to be the
Grandsire Bob Triples rung at Norwich in 1715. If the
College Youths rang a five thousand in 1690 would so long a
time as twenty-five years have elapsed before the next one?
This argument rests on a misunderstanding. Though it is
usually said that the Norwich peal was the first rung no
such claim was made for it at the time. What the Norwich
Scholars claimed was that they were the first to ring a true
peal. They said that it was "the 3rd whole peal that they
have Rung; but the first whole Peal that ever was Rung to
the truth by any Ringers whatsoever;" and on the board which
records the Grandsire Triples rung in 1718 they say that
"the extent of this peal being 5040, have oftentimes been
rung with changes alike." That it was so is clear from the
JD & CM Campanalogia. We know on the testimony of Doleman
that one or more five thousands of Grandsire Triples had
been accomplished before 1702. The 1690 peal is therefore
not nearly so isolated as has been supposed and if it was
rung it would be rung as a very special effort which was not
likely to be repeated for some time. It stood in relation
to the ringing of the time much as a fifteen thousand would
do to modern peal ringing. It was not until the third
decade of the eighteen century that peal ringing became a
normal event in the skilful and active ringer's life.
But the Norwich men did claim that their peals were the
first true ones that were rung and so far as Grandsire
Triples is concerned their claim was a sound one. However
good and accurate ringing may be, a peal cannot stand if the
composition is false, and there is plenty of evidence that
before 1718 there was no true composition of Grandsire
Triples in existence. That brings us to the second reason
for disbelieving the 1690 performance. At that time, it is
said no true peal of Bob Triples has as yet been composed
and therefore none could have been rung.
That is quite true. If the method rung was Bob Triples with
its ordinary bobs and singles then almost without doubt the
peal was false. The figures of a true peal had such existed
would have appeared in the 1702 Campanalogia. But we do not
know what the composition was. We do not even know that it
was called Bob Triples. All we know is that the method was
the same as the one that ringers a few years later were
calling Bob Triples. Now there was in existence a true five
thousand called Restoration Triples. Strictly speaking it is
not Bob Triples for it is composed not with ordinary bobs
and singles but by a number of extreams made at the course
ends. It is not a development of Grandsire Bob on Six as Bob
Triples was but of the older Doubles and Triples on Six.
In the next chapter I give the composition and need not now
go into further details. What we must notice here is that
the peal is as old as the early part of the reign of Charles
II (the name shows that), that is was true, and that it was
traditionally known among the College Youths, for Annable
had it and copied it in his note book. It does not appear in
either of the Campanalogias, but that is explicable. Stedman
is not generally interested in seven bell ringing and a peal
of Triples was no more than a curiosity to him, and by the
time of Doleman the style of Restoration Triples was
obsolete. But it very well may have been the peal rung at
St Sepulchres and it is practically the same composition of
which a third had been rung twenty years before.
All this is conjecture; but it shows that a true peal, true
in composition as well as in performance, was not an
impossibility in 1690.
Perhaps the doubts thrown on the authenticity of the St
Sepulchre's peal are due as much as anything to the mistaken
zeal of later men who revised and edited the College Youths'
records. In their eagerness to round off matters they added
details to the older account for which there was no
justification, and these details being demonstrably false
discredit is thrown on the whole record. In one of the
books the peal is said to have been composed and conducted
by Benjamin Annable and this statement is repeated in the
1928 edition of the Societys handbook. People who know
something if only a little about the history of ringing
asked the question whether it was likely that a man who in
1690 was old enough to be the composer and conductor of such
an important society as the College Youths should have let
the next thirty-five years of his life go by without any
peals, and then in his age start a peal-ringing career which
lasted about thirty years. The thing was impossible, and
there were further facts that Annable was born in 170-- and
did not join the College Youths until 17[21]. Of course
Annable had nothing to do with peal whether it was rung or
not. It is easy to see what was in the mind of the man who
made the addition, and it is easy to see how these
traditions grow. Annable he knew, or he had been told,
composed and called the first peal of Bob Triples; this was
the first peal of Bob Triples; therefore Annable composed
and called this. The statement is also made that the peal
had 200 singles. Where the writer got that from I do not
know but it is quite unconvincing for such a peal of Bob
Triples in 1690 is an improbability which more than verges
on an impossibility.
There are later glosses on the original account, but they
should not affect our judgement on the record itself.
An important consideration is that no contemporary record
seems to have existed in the Society and no tradition of the
peal survived into the next generation. Here perhaps is our
greatest difficulty in accepting the account. There is no
allusion to it in the 1702 Campanalogia. That need not
signify much, but it is surprising that if the ppeal were
rung in 1690 Benjamin Annable and the College Youths of his
time should have known nothing about it especially as Peter
Bradshaw who was a leading man in the Society and probably
took part in the peal, was Master in 1723 a year before
Annable and his band rang their 5060 of Grandsire Conques.
When in 1731 Annable called a peal of Grandsire Caters at St
Sepulchre's it ws booked as "the first that was rung in that
steeple." It may only have meant that it was the first peal
of Grandsure Caters; but when in 1730 the band rang 5040
changes of Bob Triples at Southwark they definitely claimed
it as "the first that was performed in this method," which
clearly shows either that they knew nothing about the 1690
peal or that that they did not beleive in its truth. Annable
was generally credited with having composed and claled the
first peal in the method but John Garthon had done the same
fifteen years earlier and the College Youths either knew
nothing about his peal or did not believe in its truth.
This ignorance of Annable is, as I have said, the greatest
obstacle in the way of our accepting the St Sepulchre's
peal, but perhaps we should not make too much of it. There
are signs that shortly before 1720 the Society went through
changes which may be interrupted a continuous tradition and
from being a body of middle aged men suddenly almost became
a band of young ringers most of them little more than boys.
There was a change too in social status. Between young and
old there is often imperfect sympathy, the eyes of Annable
and his fellows were fixed on the future, not on the past
and probably they knew little, and cared less, about what
the members of their Society had done in times past.
On the whole then we may conclude that there are very good
reasons for accepting the account of the 1690 peal, and the
objections are not unsurmountable. Compared with the
evidence for the widely accepted tradition that the College
Youths first rang at St Michael's, College Hill, the
evidence for this peal is far stronger; and if it does not
amount to a proof, at least it amounts to a strong
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