[Bell Historians] RE: MODERATE -- george at gadawson.wanadoo.co.uk posted to bellhistorians

Robert Lewis editor at ringingworld.co.uk
Thu Jan 9 17:03:54 GMT 2014

At 14:50 09/01/2014, John Hibbert wrote:


Well we know who the CBC thinks they are:


Bells Committee
    * Dr Alan Thurlow (Chair)
    * Julian Munby (archaeologist, Oxford Archeology)
    * Alan Strickland (bell adviser)
    * Andrew White (archaeologist)
    * James Clarke (bell adviser)
    * Christopher Ridley (Estate manager)
    * Douglas Kent (SPAB)
    * Andrew Lamb (musical instrument conservator, Bate Collection)
    * Revd Dr John Baldwin (historian)

Who would this list vote to appoint to the committee (given a 
completely free choice and discounting previous worthy members)?

I nominate Mr. D. Love-B, Mrs. A. Willis and Mr. R. Smith.

Oh ... and Mr. B. Hibbert.

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