[Bell Historians] Enquiry from the Embassy of Finland in London

George Dawson george at gadawson.wanadoo.co.uk
Mon Mar 24 14:38:27 GMT 2014

For any information??



From: David Knight [mailto:david.knight at churchofengland.org] 
Sent: 24 March 2014 14:32
To: 'George Dawson'; 'John Baldwin'
Subject: FW: Enquiry from the Embassy of Finland in London


Do either of you know anything about the bells described below?



Subject: Enquiry from the Embassy of Finland in London


Hi everyone,


We have had an enquiry from the Embassy of Finland, who are trying to trace
some Finnish bells in London. They told us:


A Finnish historian has contacted us with regards to some old church bells
that went missing from a Finnish rural church a very long time ago, ie circa
1700 - 1721.  It was the time of the Great Nordic War and the Russian troops
had occupied Finland. During the occupation, Russians took everything that
was worth taking and it is rumoured that the aforesaid church bells somehow
ended up in the UK. Naturally there is no paper trail or any proper
photographic evidence of this, but in around 1962 an article appeared in one
of the Finnish newspapers that a Finnish woman who was then living in London
had seen the church bells before the World War II in a museum she had
visited. The article does not mention which museum, only that it was in


The church bells belonged to the church in a village called Isokyrö in the
western part of Finland near the city Vaasa. Apparently the lady who spotted
the bells noticed that in the museum there was a text next to them
mentioning 'Storkyrö' which is the Swedish name for Isokyrö - Finland being
a bilingual country.


Anyone got any ideas? I’d love to hear them... especially if you happen to
have come across them!


Best wishes,






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