[Bell Historians] Lulls in bellfounding activity

aaspland at yahoo.co.uk aaspland at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 29 09:58:16 GMT 2020

 Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society for 1948 in a paper on Cheshire Bells, "The first half of the nineteenth century calls for little comment.  Bells remained much as they were.  With a decline in change-ringing towards the middle of the century, however, there is ample evidence of neglect in the belfries, for many of the ringers of those days disassociated themselves from the Church which in turn showed little interest in the contents of its towers."
The Church of England was in a pretty poor state.  Is the 1832 to 1838 lull the time just before the Oxford movement and the Tractarians (thinking of Leeds Parish Church and Dr Hook in 1840) started getting things back in some sort of order?
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