[Bell Historians] Preshute - why are all 6 G&J bells listed? (Treble added later.)

georgebellringer at gmail.com georgebellringer at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 19:08:13 GMT 2021



From: Bell-historians
[mailto:bell-historians-bounces at lists.ringingworld.co.uk] On Behalf Of Ken
Sent: 30 January 2021 19:05
To: bell-historians at lists.ringingworld.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Bell Historians] Preshute - why are all 6 G&J bells listed?
(Treble added later.)


On 29/01/2021 22:53, Mike Chester wrote:

I have been asked for some information about Preshute that I don't have.


Does anyone have information about when these bells were listed and any
reason for their listing?



Well I've just found Dove search facility by founder &  giving options by
date etc. very helpful in understanding the 'stock' of G&J bells and how
many are recorded as Listed. (The display by founder detail  shows the
Listing marker next to the date.)



There are 1,597 G&J bells displayed as cast between 1900 & 1950 but it
appears only their 6 bells hung at Preshute are worth Listing? Why?


Same Diocese: Wimborne Minster (back 10), Corfe Mullen (6), Bradford on Avon
CC (8), Holwell (5) etc. are not Listed! 


Elsewhere: Notts. St Mary, Birmingham Cath., Manchester Cath., Croydon
Minster and many other substantial rings are not Listed!



Preshute appears to have all 6 G&J bells Listed although the Treble was
added later. So they were not cast as a 6 & I can't see any justification
for their Listing in terms of date/ weight/ number cast as a ring etc.


Unless there is something 'better' about Preshute bells (decoration? / all
maiden? / canons ?) than the other 1,591 bells cast by G&J  between 1900 -
1950 per Dove, it implies all 6 Preshute bells should be removed from the
formal Listing?


How would that happen?


I assume George Dawson can answer the questions or guide us.





& I don't know the answer as well.



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