[Bell Historians] Webcast for Chris' Funeral 12:30pm Wednesday 16th August

Malcolm Loveday malcolmloveday46 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 11:39:33 BST 2023

Dear All,

      *Re: Chris McKay*

I hope you are all keeping well.  I heard,  late on Thursday evening, that
there will be a Memorial Service on Wednesday 11th October 2023 at
12.00noon at Winborne Minister, Dorset,  in memory of Chris McKay. I am
still awaiting the formal notice with further details but if anyone would
like to join Sue & myself we will be pleased to see you.

I will circulate more information when I receive it.

Best wishes,

 Malcolm Loveday

On Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 4:26 PM Malcolm Loveday <malcolmloveday46 at gmail.com>

>  Dear All,
>     *Chris McKay Funeral *
> Please see below the details for patching into the On-Line link to Chris’s
> funeral which will take place on Wednesday 16th August 2023 at 12.30pm (
> BST)  ; I understand that the delay in releasing the link was due to the
> staff member at Winborne Council was on leave until Monday of this week!
> For information I also attach two versions of the Obituary that will be
> published in the Ringing World and in various clock journals.  I also
> attach the Eulogy that Sue & I have prepared. We hope that some of you will
> be able to follow the service.
> Hopefully a Memorial Service will be arranged in due course; I will let
> you know details when I receive the information.
> Best wishes,
>   Malcolm & Sue Loveday.
> Please feel free to forward the information to anyone you think might be
> interested who are not on the above circulation list. Thankyou
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Jon Taylor <jguytaylor at hotmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 6:59 PM
> Subject: Webcast for Chris' Funeral 12:30pm Wednesday 16th August
> To:
> Dear one and all,
> Thank you for your patience in waiting for the webcast details. Here are
> the log in details for the service on Wednesday at 12:30pm. Anyone
> wishing to view the service need only follow the link below, and input the
> pin into the boxes. This will then take you straight through to the webcast.
>  *https://www.wesleymedia.co.uk/webcast-view*
> <https://www.wesleymedia.co.uk/webcast-view>
>  Please log in, in plenty of time to allow for any technical difficulties
> with whichever device you are using.
> Chris’s memorial page can be accessed from
> www.funeraldirector.co.uk/christopher-mckay
> Details of the service of thanksgiving service at a later date, most
> likely in the autumn will follow much nearer to the time.
> Pin: 318-9095
> Many thanks & take care
> Jon
> This e-mail (including any attachments) is intended only for the
> recipient(s) named above. It may contain confidential or privileged
> information and should not be read, copied or otherwise used or
> disseminated by any unauthorised person. If you are not the named
> recipient, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail immediately and
> permanently from your system. Do not use, copy or disclose the information
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