[Bell Historians] Oldest set of six?

John Harrison john at jaharrison.me.uk
Fri Jul 19 11:02:25 BST 2024

I am giving a talk in Harwell later this year and have been told by my
host that: 'Harwell does have the oldest set of 6 bells in the country'.

That seemed an odd thing to say since Harwell is an 8 to I looked it up on
Dove.  The back six are indeed old, being cast by two founders on several
dates between 1590 and 1612.  

Since they were not cast as a ring of six, and are not currently a six, I
assume that 'the oldest set of 6 bells' means 'no other tower has at least
6 bells from 1612 or earlier'.  That's not a query that Dove can perform
so can anyone verify or refute it?

John Harrison
Website http://jaharrison.me.uk
Using 4té and ARMX6, both running RISC OS

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