[Bell Historians] Ringing worlds and reports

John Harrison john at jaharrison.me.uk
Sun Jun 16 10:52:58 BST 2024

In article
<PSAPR06MB402206BCBEF47D2B5B8DAA29DFC32 at PSAPR06MB4022.apcprd06.prod.outlook.com>,
   Richard Offen via Bell-historians
<bell-historians at lists.ringingworld.co.uk> wrote:
> As an historian I absolutely see the value of having the original
> documents, but as a researcher who is always pushed for time, the PDF
> versions are a Godsend as they are searchable and you can find what you
> are looking for in a fraction of the time it takes to search manually

Yes, searchable files are a massive boon for research, but some caution is
needed with pre-digital documents that rely on OCR, which isn't perfect. 
So fiinding something means it's there but not finding it doesn't
necessarily mean it isn't there.  There are ways round it, see: 

One benefit of having access to the paper originals is that the quality of
images in the scanned versions is usually a lot lower than can be obtained
from the paper original.

John Harrison
Website http://jaharrison.me.uk
Using 4té and ARMX6, both running RISC OS

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