[Bell Historians] moreton essex

Nick Bowden nickwbowden at talktalk.net
Sun May 19 12:26:11 BST 2024

Hi Oliver,
Try here:
The Whiting Society of Ringers - C. Deedes and H. B. Walters - The Church Bells of Essex
File 07 – scroll down to p.49 of 73.

Regards, Nick

From: oliver Lee via Bell-historians
Sent: 19 May 2024 12:21
To: bell-historians at lists.ringingworld.co.uk
Cc: oliver Lee
Subject: [Bell Historians] moreton essex

The other day I had the pleasure of ringing at moreton in a district striking competition and as our local technical adviser was checking the tenor clapper I took the opportunity to have a look at the bells once the competition had finished, prior to 1928 the bells where a pretty ancient five and for some reason comparatively little seems to be known about them or what sort of frame they where in!. Judging by the fact that that Gillet’s rehung them lower down in the tower I can imagine they’re must’ve been a fair amount of movement (not helped by the fact that it’s brick faced) and It has got me wondering was it gilllet’s practice to carry out tower inspections and if so is there any record of what was here prior to their work in 1928?, The base members of the old frame are still grouted into the wall of the bell chamber along with some later scaffolding which was probably installed to try and arrest the movement. 
Many thanks 
Oliver lee
Sent from Mail for Windows

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