[Bell Historians] fundenhall and winterton

oliver Lee oliverbellringer at outlook.com
Mon Feb 10 23:34:51 GMT 2025

I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who has rung on the unringable six at winterton or the five at fundenhall (which where rung from the crossing), my dove's from 1976 has the latter as being ringable but by the time that the sixth edition was published in 1982 they are listed simply as a swing chime (although they don't appear as unringable until the 1988 edition). Winterton however is something of an enigma according to many sources the bells where condemned because of frame defects but there is no mention of when this was or when indeed they where last rung!, the NDACR report lists them as being ringable in 1996 so I'm guessing this was in the late 1990s?

Many thanks
Oliver lee
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