[Bell Historians] The Sharpe Trusts: Advertisement for prospective trustees

Dickon Love dickon at lovesguide.com
Mon Feb 17 22:10:02 GMT 2025

Dear all,


I'd like to draw the attention of members of this list to the following
advertisement for additional trustees for the Sharpe Trusts. Please do
consider whether this is something that you might wish to be actively part


The Sharpe Trustees are looking to strengthen its board of Trustees with two
new members to continue the work of both Trusts and in time fulfil two
officer roles. The Trusts, which have now operated for 40+ years, provide
grants towards the repair of church bell installations in England & Wales
and care for the collection of bell related items that belonged to the late
Frederick Sharpe.


The Trustees are looking for people who have a passion for bells,
bellringing and their repair/restoration who can bring their skills and
enthusiasm to support the board in meeting the charity aims & objectives and
continue to assist parishes in their efforts to keep their bells ringing.


Please visit  <http://sharpetrust.org.uk/trusteeapplication.pdf>
http://sharpetrust.org.uk/trusteeapplication.pdf for an information pack
giving more details of the roles and how to apply.


Best wishes,


Dickon Love

Bromley, Kent

07983 352279


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