[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Festival 15th-22nd September 2018 - Correction

Greg Shields shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 16 11:03:22 BST 2018

 Dear All,
Apologies the festival event on the recreation ground is on Saturday 22nd May not 15th May.

However, there is quite a lot going on at the church on Saturday 15th (the first Saturday). 3-5pm is duck 
decorating, overlapping with the Thirsty Cambridge from 3-11pm, including a film starting
at 7pm. Another possibility suggested by Chris is to piggy-back on that instead of doing an open
evening, maybe doing some ringing and offering the opportunity to have a go between
5pm and 7pm, after the craft finishes and before the film starts. We could have the
handbells around at that too. There would be a large number of people around the
church all afternoon so we would be guaranteed an audience.

If you would be interested in any of these possibilities or have any thoughts as to what would work best, please let me know.
Many thanks,Greg S.

   ----- Forwarded message ----- From: Greg Shields via Cherry-hinton-ringers <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>To: cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>Sent: Wednesday, 16 May 2018, 09:34:24 GMT+1Subject: [Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Festival 15th-22nd September 2018
 Dear All,
As mentioned at the AGM and discussed briefly in our feedback slot at practice yesterday, we have been asked by the Cherry Hinton Festival Committee whether we would like to be involved in the 2018 festival, which runs from 15th-22nd September. For more details, see Cherry Hinton Festival | 15-22nd September 2018

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Cherry Hinton Festival | 15-22nd September 2018




There are a number of ways we could be involved, including a tower open evening at the church on Monday 17th September and/or a stall at the recreation ground on Saturday 22nd September. Either event could include giving people an opportunity to try the newly refurbished handbells. Please note that there is a festival service in the church at 19:00 on Tuesday 18th September so we will be unable to have our normal practice or an open evening on that date.
Unfortunately the deadline for inclusion in the Festival programme is very tight (21st May) so if you are available and willing to help with either a stall on Saturday 22nd September or an open evening in the tower on Monday 17th September, please let me know by Saturday 19th May. We will only go ahead with these events if there are enough people available to make them happen. If anyone would be willing take a lead in organising either event please do let me know. 

Apologies for the short notice.Many thanks in advance for your help.

Best wishes,Greg S.

P.S. The following advert shows what we did for the open day a few years ago as an example. If you have any suggestions how to improve this, please let me know.

Event:  Cherry Hinton Bellringers' Tower Open Evening
Organised by Cherry Hinton Bellringers
Venue:  St. Andrews Church
Time: 7.30pm – 9pm Monday 17th September 
Price:  FREE  (no need to book) 
Bellringing demonstrations, displays and an opportunity (for those 10 years 
old and over) to have a go at ringing a bell.  Email 
info at cherryhintonbellringers.org.uk for more details. 
Under 16's must be accompanied by a responsible adult.  Light refreshments 

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