[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Bellringing Practice Tuesday 27th November 2018

Greg Shields shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Nov 25 18:22:49 GMT 2018

Dear All,
With the last Gipson Trophy match completed for another year the practice will be back to normal on Tuesday.
We will aim to ring a selection of the following:

Call changes / plain hunt

Grandsire doubles

Stedman doubles

Plain Bob minor

Badgeworth Bob Minor
Armitage-is-the-name Bob Minor (these methods are St. Clement's with different front work)



Beverley -  if we can muster a band
And anything else that we can ring, have a band and time for on the night. Please let me know if you have any particular requests.Hope to see you on Tuesday.Best wishes,Greg Shields.

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