[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Ringing arrangements from April 2019 onwards

Greg Shields shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 10 21:22:23 BST 2019

Dear All,
As you are probably already aware, the Cherry Hinton bells will be inaccessible after Sunday 28th April 2019, probably until mid-August at the earliest, so there will be no service ringing, practices or quarter peals.
The plan for the next few weeks is as follows:
Sunday 14th April - Service ringing 09:25-09:55
Tuesday 16th April - NO RINGING, 19:30 curry at the Indian Palace, Cherry Hinton (names to Annemarie ASAP if you have not already let her know you are coming).
Sunday 21st April - Easter Sunday service ringing 09:25-09:55
Tuesday 23rd April - 19:30-21:00 Last Tuesday practice at Cherry Hinton (run by Annemarie)
Sunday 28th April - Service ringing 09:25-09:55
Tuesday 30th April - 19:30-21:00 Practice at Great Wilbraham (run by Marina)
Sunday 5th May - NO RINGING at Cherry Hinton; possible afternoon quarter peal attempt at another tower if someone would like to volunteer to organise one.
Tuesday 7th May - 19:30-21:00 Practice at Barton
For the practice locations for the rest of the summer, please see the following webpage:

For practice running schedules, please see:

If you have any queries or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me. 
Thank you in advance for your patience whilst these works are in progress.
Best wishes,Greg.

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