[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Merry Christmas Cherry Hinton bellringers

renee tanburn reneetanburn at gmail.com
Sun Dec 15 21:03:15 GMT 2019

And Merry Christmas to you Amanda and to all you lovely                   C. Hinton-ers.

Thank you for your brilliant leadership Amanda; and for your striking Christmas message!. You inspire.
So good that folk missed the bells and give feed back.

Thank you also to Greg who beavers away so quietly and efficiently: and also supports.

And for me, thank you to Ian and Robert and others for hanging in there continuing to support and encourage me. I might otherwise have hung up the sally some time ago.

Another enjoyable Christmas Meal. Thank you Annemarie.

It was lovely having you here in Wilbs during your exile.
What a band.

Wishing all an enriching 2020.

On 15 December 2019, at 20:17, Amanda Cator via Cherry-hinton-ringers <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org> wrote:

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Merry Christmas from Cherry Hinton Tower​


Just a note to wish you all a Merry Christmas and to thank you for your contribution and commitment to  Cherry Hinton Tower through what has been an eventful year in the life of the tower, and for me personally. 

I hope that it won't be every year that we have to vacate the tower for 5 months.  However, given the circumstances, the contingency plans put in place to move practice nights to Gt Wilbraham and Barton enabled the band to stay together until we returned back to Cherry Hinton in September - and showed the real strength and commitment of the band, so much so that people wanted to continue practices over this unusual period.

 Thank you to you all for managing this so well - and for those that went above and beyond to ensure that 'Cherry Hinton on tour' continued week on week. 

It has been good to have spent the autumn back at Cherry Hinton and see Sunday ringing return to normal and practices pick up again. And as we approach Christmas, seeing people step forward to help with ringing at the large number of services organised at this time of the year - your help and support is certainly appreciated.

It has struck (!) me over recent weeks that there are now a number of congregation members at C Hinton (not just the clergy) who regularly comment on the sound of the bells on a Sunday morning since our return, which shows that the bells are both listened for, needed and missed when they are not rung - so lets be encouraged.

Sending you all good wishes for Christmas and into 2020 - as the festive season is ushered in and a new decade dawns - lets keep Cherry Hinton ringing !



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