[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Practice at Barton 2nd July

Marina and Lloyd marina.clloyd at btinternet.com
Mon Jul 1 11:41:19 BST 2019

Dear All,

It is my turn to be “IT” again. 
I am about to go and take the teaching muffle off the 2nd so we can have all 6 bells speaking. I forgot I had left it but fortunately there were only 5 of us for service ringing yesterday. Oops.
Barton ringers ringers are away or otherwise occupied so numbers may be low.

Numbers permitting I hope to include some of the following:

Rounds and call changes.
Plain hunt doubles and minor
Grandsire doubles
Stedman’s doubles

Plain bob minor
St Clement’s minor

Cambridge Surprise minor
Surfleet or Durham Surprise minor.

See you tomorrow at Barton at 7:30 pm


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