[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Quarter Peal Attempt at Great Wilbraham - Sunday 4th August 14:00

Greg Shields shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jul 20 12:00:49 BST 2019

Dear All,
I am still looking for one more ringer for this quarter peal attempt. If you would like to ring please let me know by Saturday 27th July if possible.
Best wishes,Greg S.
   On Sunday, 30 June 2019, 14:30:35 BST, Greg Shields <shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:  
 Dear All,
I am looking for three more ringers for a quarter peal attempt at Great Wilbraham on Sunday 4th August at 14:00.
We are planning to ring mixed doubles methods (to be decided) and the current band is as follows:
AnnemarieGreg STom RidgmanGreg PCaroline H (tenor)
If you would be available to ring, please let me know.
Best wishes,Greg S.  
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