[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Ringing arrangements in June

Greg Shields shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jun 1 19:22:05 BST 2019

Dear All,
A brief reminder that we will be continuing our practices at Barton and Great Wilbraham in June as follows:
Tuesday 4th June - BartonTuesday 11th June - Great WilbrahamTuesday 18th June - BartonTuesday 25th June - Great Wilbraham
Hope to see many of you there.
If anyone is available on the first and third Sunday of the month (2nd and 16th June), Renee says that you would be very welcome to join the Great Wilbraham band for Sunday service ringing, from ca. 08:50 to 09:25. 
Best wishes,Greg S.
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