[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Practice - Tuesday 29th October

Greg Shields shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 26 11:10:53 BST 2019

Hi All,
It is my turn to run the practice this week, I am planning to follow the same plan as last week:

Plain Hunt on 5Stedman Doubles All Saints Doubles (in prep for All Saints Day on 1 Nov)St Nicholas (time to start practicing ahead of Carol services)Bob DoublesGrandsire Doubles
Plain / Little Bob Minor Childwall Bob Minor
Surfleet Surprise Minor'Hannibals' LondonCambridge and any other surprise methods requested which we have band to ring.
Please let me know if you have any requests and we will try to accommodate them.
Hope to see you then.Best regards,Greg S.
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