[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Bellringing demonstration Saturday 14th September
renee tanburn
reneetanburn at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 13:07:00 BST 2019
Thank you greg,
That is good news.
Would love to be there but we have friends visiting then.
May all go very well.
On 12 September 2019, at 18:21, "shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk via Cherry-hinton-ringers" <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org> wrote:
Dear All,
Rev. Karin has confirmed that we well be able to go ahead with the bellringing demonstrations at Cherry Hinton on Saturday 14th September from 15:00-16:30. I am planning that we will ring on both tower bells and handbells, and allow visitors to try ringing handbells under supervision.
Thank you to those who have already offered to help. If anyone else is available to come along, ring and encourage visitors to take an interest in ringing that would be much appreciated.
Best wishes,
Greg S.
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