[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Practice Tuesday 1st October 19:30-21:00

renee tanburn reneetanburn at gmail.com
Sat Sep 28 12:00:29 BST 2019

Thank you Greg,
My apologies for Tuesday as I am already committed.
Best wishes,

On 28 September 2019, at 08:20, Greg Shields via Cherry-hinton-ringers <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org> wrote:

Dear All,

It is my turn to run the practice on Tuesday, we will aim to ring a selection of the following and any requests that you may have.

Rounds and call changes

Plain Hunt

Plain Bob Doubles

Grandsire Doubles

Stedman Doubles

Plain Bob Minor

Little Bob Minor

St. Clement's College Bob Minor

Cambridge Surprise Minor

Surfleet Surprise Minor

Annable's London Surprise Minor

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday.

Best wishes,

Greg S.

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