[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Fw: Practice Tuesday 4th February

Marina and Lloyd marina.clloyd at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 2 16:48:01 GMT 2020

From: Marina and Lloyd via Cherry-hinton-ringers 
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2020 10:35 PM
To: cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org 
Subject: [Cherry-hinton-ringers] Practice Tuesday 28th January

Dear All,

Annemarie is taking the practice this week but she is computer-less until Thursday. She has decided to have the same method as last week on the schedule so has asked me to resend the list.

Bistow Little Bob Doubles
Plain Bob/Grandsire Doubles
Stedman’s Doubles

Wrong hunting – remember a hand stroke gap

Plain and Little Bob Minor
St Nicholas College Bob Minor
Single/Double Oxford Minor-  as Jon may call them in a quarter

Cambridge Surprise Minor 
London Surprise Minor -  to keep it going
Surfleet Surprise Minor – If we have time as some of us are in a quarter next month

See you Tuesday,

Marina on behalf of Annemarie.

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