[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton in Ringing Room - Tues 7 July 8pm

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 5 09:30:55 BST 2020

Hi All

Late to the game but now in the race. Announcing the first Cherry Hinton practice in ringing room on Tues 7 July at 8pm.

I'm sure someone will correct me if this isn't right but it seems that you go into Ringing room website, register to the site, and enter Cherry Hinton tower ID as below:

Ringing room - https://ringingroom.com/
Cherry Hinton ID - 697283415

And we also have a zoom call going - so we can chat and laugh I hope ……...

Time: Jul 7, 2020 08:00 PM London​
Join Zoom Meeting​
Meeting ID: 777 8766 2831​
Password: stedman​

All being well - see some of you who want to have a go on Tuesday at 8pm.

Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]


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