[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton bellringers catch-up - Tuesday 16 June 8pm

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 14 10:10:02 BST 2020

Hi All

Just scheduling the fortnightly Tuesday catch up for Cherry Hinton ringers - zoom meeting details as below for Tuesday 16 June at 8pm for the usual 40 mins.

Look forward to seeing you then.

Time: Jun 16, 2020 08:00 PM London​
Join Zoom Meeting​

Meeting ID: 737 0680 5071​
Password: doubles​

Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]

From: Amanda Cator <amanda_cator at hotmail.com>
Sent: 31 May 2020 08:29
To: cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
Subject: Cherry Hinton bellringers catch-up - Thursday 4 June 8pm

Hi All

Sorry but I can't make the zoom on Tuesday this week so I have set up a zoom call for Thursday 4 June 8pm for anyone who is free and would like to catch up - realise that this might not suit everyone and may clash with other towers zooms  - appointment as below:

Time: Jun 4, 2020 08:00 PM London​
Join Zoom Meeting​
Meeting ID: 751 6912 6814​
Password: minor​

Will send a reminder on Thursday and hope to see some of you then.
Hope you are all well.

Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]


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