[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton update

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Fri May 1 09:55:10 BST 2020

Hi All

Hope you are all keeping safe and well.

Just an update to pass onto you.

Naomi has sent me a recording of Jon's funeral held on 20 April - she has given me permission to share this with you.  If anyone would like to watch and be part of remembering Jon - I'll leave it quietly below - its a lovely tribute to Jon.


I've set up another Zoom catch up for Tuesday 5 May 8pm - if we don't clash with any District activities.

See below for the login details for anyone from the band who would like to catch up during our regular practice slot.

Time: May 5, 2020 08:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting​
Meeting ID: 767 9436 4941​
Password: hello

many good wishes to you all.

Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]
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