[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton practice - Tuesday 14 December

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 10 17:28:14 GMT 2021

Hi All

I'll be planning to go ahead with a practice on Tuesday 14 December.

I'm aware that over the next few weeks numbers are going to be lower at practice due to the time of the year & and current external virus situation - so it would be good to  just get an idea of how many people would intend to come to practice (both 7pm learners slot and regular practice on the following dates):

Tuesday 14 December
Tuesday 21 December

Then we can make an informed decision on which practices we should proceed with over next few weeks. If your situation changes, that's also OK but some advance planning never hurts.

There will be no practice on Tuesday 28 December - and we will aim to start back on Tuesday 4 January.

A note on facemasks - I'm afraid that I'm going to have to say that Cherry Hinton will need to proceed as a masked practice throughout for the foresseable future until guidelines change - see below for guidance from the District on this aspect:

“ The Church of England guidance for Plan B in England has now been published and it includes the following words: “Face coverings are currently mandatory on public transport and in a range of indoor venues including places of worship. While there are exemptions, outlined below, this is a legal requirement” (their emphasis).

The House of Bishops Recovery Group has not offered any general exemption for bellringing.”

Thanks and see you next week.

Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]
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