[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton catch up -Tues 2 March 8pm

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 28 09:06:09 GMT 2021

Hi All

Its March tomorrow!- lets have a Cherry Hinton catch up on Tues 2 March 8pm .

We'll chat between 8pm - 8.20pm and those that want to can then head to ringing room - all links below

For ringing room, we will concentrate on Plain Bob and Stedman Doubles (we can always backfill with Wheatley) - although happy to Plain Hunt for those who want to join for the first time this week

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 790 8512 3087
Passcode: CHringing

Ringing room - https://ringingroom.com/

Cherry Hinton ID - 697283415

Join for chat or ringing - see you then.

Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]

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