[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Practice Tuesday 27th July
Chris Shore (NTL)
chris.shore at ntlworld.com
Mon Jul 26 18:12:33 BST 2021
Apologies but I can't make it tomorrow evening. Pesky American clients who
can't get their act together and align to the Greenwich meridian…
Sent from my Arm powered mobile device
> On 26 Jul 2021, at 18:09, Robert Oakeshott via Cherry-hinton-ringers <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you to those who have replied about ringing tomorrow Tuesday 27th. We are a couple short of a quorum so please do email me if you are coming.
> I will send an email out with the final verdict tomorrow afternoon.
> Thanks,
> Robert
>> On Sat, 24 Jul 2021 at 17:43, Robert Oakeshott <rbs.oakeshott at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I will be running Tuesday's practice.
>> Please let me know if you can or cannot ring by 4pm on Tuesday. We will go ahead if we are set to be 5 or more.
>> Best wishes,
>> Robert
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Amanda Cator via Cherry-hinton-ringers <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
>> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 at 08:40
>> Subject: Re: [Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Practice !!- Tues 20 July update
>> To: cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
>> Cc: MARTIN KITSON <martin.kitson1 at btinternet.com>
>> Hi All
>> Quick update on tonight - I have enough people who have said that they want to attend the practice this evening so we'll be able to go ahead. Anyone else feel free to join as we'll definitely be practicing
>> I'll let you know about plans for next week as the week goes on.
>> See you 7.30pm - it'll be a warm one !! & do bring a mask.
>> Amanda
>> From: Amanda Cator
>> Sent: 18 July 2021 07:29
>> To: cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
>> Cc: John Sturdy <jcg.sturdy at gmail.com>; MARTIN KITSON <martin.kitson1 at btinternet.com>
>> Subject: Cherry Hinton Practice !!- Tues 20 July
>> Hi All
>> Hope everyone is keeping well - I've waited a long time to send this email - but good to let you know that we have the go-ahead to start to run ringing practices again from this week.
>> I plan to hold the first practice back at Cherry Hinton on Tuesday 20 July starting at 7.30pm. I am just about to check with Karin so providing there are no concerns from that side - we'll go ahead.
>> The current guidance from CCCBR advises that we are not restricted on numbers attending, or length of time ringing.
>> Further info can be found here for reading at your leisure.
>> Wearing of face masks is no longer mandated in churches - and the same for ringing - although there are situations where it may be advisable to wear one as stated in the guidelines - unvaccinated ringers, ringing with under 18 year olds - and to be agreed if a member(s) of the band wish the whole band to wear masks to protect them. I'll say bring a mask with you in case any of these situations arise.
>> My thoughts are to see how we are doing by 8.30pm - hands, muscles and brains !! - and then assess if we want to continue for another half hour, go for drink, or home to lie in a darkened room etc !
>> I won't set any agenda for the practice except to start to get back into ringing and ring what we are comfortable with.
>> We'll still have the hand sanitzer around so that can be used if you wish. I'll make sure doors are open so we have as much ventilation as we can. Please be mindful of distances when you are chatting with others while you are not ringing.
>> Numbers at Cherry Hinton practices
>> I do understand that there will be mixed thoughts from the band and visitors about coming back to practice ringing at Cherry Hinton given current rates of infection.
>> Returning to practices in the place that we are in is a matter of personal choice so I feel that it would be wise to ask those who are intending to come to a Cherry Hinton to let me know by 4pm on Tuesday on a week by week basis - so I can assess whether we have enough to feasibly run a practice that week - and can confirm by 5pm each week.
>> Practices will run with a minimum of 5 people.
>> Please do stay at home if you test positive or have Covid symptoms - I know you will.
>> I think that covers everything for the moment - do let me know if not - and do let me know if you intend to visit Cherry Hinton practice on Tuesday.
>> Thanks to you all for patience, support and perseverance over the last 18 months, and for sticking with C Hinton - it'll be good to see you all again over forthcoming months.
>> Amanda
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