[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Practice Tuesday 27th July

Robert Oakeshott rbs.oakeshott at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 16:26:08 BST 2021

Sorry but we do not have enough ringers for a practice this week.

Hopefully will see you all next week.


On Sat, 24 Jul 2021, 17:43 Robert Oakeshott, <rbs.oakeshott at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I will be running Tuesday's practice.
> Please let me know if you can or cannot ring by 4pm on Tuesday. We will go
> ahead if we are set to be 5 or more.
> Best wishes,
> Robert
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Amanda Cator via Cherry-hinton-ringers <
> cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 at 08:40
> Subject: Re: [Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton Practice !!- Tues 20
> July update
> To: cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org <
> cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
> Cc: MARTIN KITSON <martin.kitson1 at btinternet.com>
> Hi All
> Quick update on tonight - I have enough people who have said that they
> want to attend the practice this evening so we'll be able to go ahead.
> Anyone else feel free to join as we'll definitely be practicing
> I'll let you know about plans for next week as the week goes on.
> See you 7.30pm - it'll be a warm one !! & do bring a mask.
> Amanda
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Amanda Cator
> *Sent:* 18 July 2021 07:29
> *To:* cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org <
> cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
> *Cc:* John Sturdy <jcg.sturdy at gmail.com>; MARTIN KITSON <
> martin.kitson1 at btinternet.com>
> *Subject:* Cherry Hinton Practice !!- Tues 20 July
> Hi All
> Hope everyone is keeping well - I've waited a long time to send this email
> - but good to let you know that we have the go-ahead to start to run
> ringing practices again from this week.
> I plan to hold the first practice back at Cherry Hinton on* Tuesday 20
> July starting at 7.30pm.* I am just about to check with Karin so
> providing there are no concerns from that side - we'll go ahead.
> The current guidance from CCCBR advises that we are not restricted on
> numbers attending, or length of time ringing.
> Further info can be found here
> <https://cccbr.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Guidance-at-a-glance-2.0-3.pdf>
> for reading at your leisure.
> Wearing of face masks is no longer mandated in churches - and the same for
> ringing - although there are situations where it may be advisable to wear
> one as stated in the guidelines - unvaccinated ringers, ringing with under
> 18 year olds - and to be agreed if a member(s) of the band wish the whole
> band to wear masks to protect them.  I'll say *bring a mask* with you in
> case any of these situations arise.
> My thoughts are to see how we are doing by 8.30pm - hands, muscles and
> brains !! - and then assess if we want to continue for another half hour,
> go for drink, or home to lie in a darkened room etc !
> I won't set any agenda for the practice except to start to get back into
> ringing and ring what we are comfortable with.
> We'll still have the hand sanitzer around so that can be used if you wish.
> I'll make sure doors are open so we have as much ventilation as we can.
> Please be mindful of distances when you are chatting with others while you
> are not ringing.
> *Numbers at Cherry Hinton practices *
> *I do understand that there will be mixed thoughts from the band and
> visitors about coming back to practice ringing at Cherry Hinton given
> current rates of infection.*
> *Returning to practices in the place that we are in is a matter of
> personal choice so I feel that it would be wise to ask those who are
> intending to come to a Cherry Hinton to let me know by** 4pm on Tuesday**
> on a week by week basis - so I can assess whether we have enough to
> feasibly run a practice that week - and can confirm by 5pm each week. *
> *Practices will run with a minimum of 5 people. *
> *Please do stay at home if you test positive or have Covid symptoms - I
> know you will. *
> I think that covers everything for the moment - do let me know if not -
> and do let me know if you intend to visit Cherry Hinton practice on Tuesday.
> Thanks to you all for patience, support and perseverance over the last 18
> months, and for sticking with C Hinton - it'll be good to see you all again
> over forthcoming months.
> Amanda
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