[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Ely Diocesan Association Superlist
Greg Shields
shieldsgp at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jun 4 13:47:16 BST 2021
Hi everyone,
Please see the following from Catriona, Cambridge District Secretary, regarding the new Ely DA superlist.Apologies to those who have already heard about this from the Cambridge District list.
Best wishes,Greg S.
Ely DA Superlist
You asked for a diocesan-wide mailing list for the ElyDA, and we have set one up. Welcome to <elyda-superlist @groups.io>. The list will mirror information from the ElyDA which is currently (and will continue to be) sent out via district mailing lists, Facebook groups and websites. However, the list has potential to be much more useful than this - it depends entirely on what use you make of it. You can have discussions amongst yourselves about Pickled Egg methods or Young Ringers or anything else you like.
Anyone who signs up can post to the list, and posts will be unmoderated (except for one initial post). Hashtags added to the subject line are used to enable individual list members to configure their own delivery of emails - you can mute certain topics, or receive notifications only of specific topics.
If you already have a groups.io login then it is simply a question of going to https://groups.io/g/elyda-superlist/ (or you can search groups under 'E' for elyda-superlist) and clicking the "join this group" button at the bottom of the page.
If you do not have an account then you must first click on "Sign Up" at the top right. Enter your email address and a password for this account. (It's also possible to use a Facebook or Google account). You will get an email asking you to confirm that your email address is valid and that it really was you who asked to create the account.
Once you have the account you can log in and join the group -- see the earlier paragraph.
A few hashtags for the list have been pre-populated in a dropdown (for admin, individual districts, handbells, practices, etc) - please use these first, and only set up your own hashtags if your topic is missing. Have fun!
Remember that the new superlist is in addition to the Cambridge District list, through which you're receiving this message. You'll still get emails from me whether or not you sign up to the superlist!
Best wishes,Catriona
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