[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Return to Cherry Hinton ringing update

Vee Webster veewebster at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 11 23:11:19 BST 2021

Dear Amanda (and Greg)I'm happy to ring on a rota. I'm doing weekly PCR tests on a friday for work, I usually get the result on a Saturday. If needed I'm happy (well I use the term loosely!) To do an LFT on the day if that helps. Kind regardsVee x (Dom also tests weekly and may be persuaded to join us if short)

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 21:41, Amanda Cator via Cherry-hinton-ringers<cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org> wrote:    #yiv3808312812 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}Hi All
Just a note to update you on the plans for the first step of returning to ringing at Cherry Hinton - all being well between now and 23 May.
>From Sunday 23 May - limited Sunday service ringing will recommence based on the following aspects:   
   - to ring on max 4 bells to keep within the 1m plus regulations
   - starting at 9.30am
   - for max of 25 minutes including ringing up and down
   - face masks to be worn   

   - requested for C Hinton tower windows to be opened 
   - hand sanitizer is used when those from different households swap bells
   - remain 2m distance from others when not ringing
   - there is no confirmed requirement to undertake a Covid lateral flow test prior to ringing but if you wish to for the benefit of others (who may not yet be vaccinated) I'll leave that to your discretion   

   - bells will have been fully checked over on Sat 22 May - thank you Steeple Keepers   

Further official guidance can be found on CCCBR website - Guidance from 17 May – England (update) – CCCBR
If you would like to be on the list for Sunday service ringing please let me know so we can work this out on a week by week basis ?
For the moment we won't need everyone each week and we'll work this out on a rota basis.

Look forward to seeing you all back in the tower soon. We hope to start practices again after 21 June.
Thanks for your patience and support over the past few months - we are now taking positive initial steps to return to ringing.

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Cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org
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