[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Operation London Bridge - ringing arrangements

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 3 08:33:57 GMT 2021

Hi All

Just a note to let you know that we've received guidance in recent days regarding how bell ringing plays its part in the event of the passing away of the current Monarch (hence Operation London Bridge). This guidance has been formulated in consultation with The Royal Household and Lambeth Palace.

We've been advised that we should be planning in advance and with our local churches so that we have an agreed next step which can be easily put in place in such an event.

In terms of how this affects Cherry Hinton and following the guidance for the national mourning period - I have worked with other postholders in the tower to consider the following:

  *   On the day of announcement of such an event - ringing can commence within an hour or two of the announcement if ahead of 4pm - at Cherry Hinton the tenor will be tolled (fully if unable to muffle that day) at some point during that day / next day
  *   Sunday service ringing will continue fully muffled during the national mourning period
  *   Open ringing (rather than specifically arranged Qps - although these can be arranged separately) will take place fully muffled on the funeral day
  *   Open ringing unmuffled will take place on the coronation day of the new Monarch
  *   There is a chance for unmuffled open ringing on the announcement of the new Monarch but it'll depend on where this falls within the mourning period and may not be practical to keep adding and then removing muffles
  *   Practices - we will have to see how these fall over the mourning period & and what guidance we are given - we will be working to prolong the endurance of the muffles so that these remain in place (as much as possible) for the ringing that they are required for -  so more on how this will work when we reach that time.

We are working to make this as straightforward and inclusive as possible in the first instance.

Plans are being worked on to ensure we have sufficient muffles for this event.

Please do let me know if you have any thoughts or comments, having never had to plan for this previously, I'm sure there are things we haven't considered, and as we do want to agree the initial plan with Karin over the next week.


Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]
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