[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton practice - Tuesday 19 October 7.30pm start

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 19 15:57:12 BST 2021

Hi All

Practice will start 7.30pm this evening - there will now be no 7pm session for learners / teachers this week.


Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]

From: Amanda Cator <amanda_cator at hotmail.com>
Sent: 14 October 2021 16:02
To: cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org>
Subject: Cherry Hinton practice - Tuesday 19 October

Hi All

Just a note to let you know the plans for practice on Tuesday 19 October.

There will be a handling session from 7pm for new learners with teachers only until 7.30pm when the usual practice will start.

The first half an hour of the practice will be masked as per two weeks ago until just after 8pm, followed by a learning session for another learner who can't make the early session. Then practice will pick up again after around 8.15pm. Quite a logistical challenge so we will see how it works out.

Feel free to attend anytime from 7.30pm and no need to let me know if you are intending to join us as we'll be there anyway next week.

Sunday 20 February 2022 - QP request - Royal British Legion C Hinton branch centenary commemoration

We have been approached by the Royal British Legion about organising and ringing a Qp on the above date so this is advance warning for the calendars. This will be at some point during the afternoon, and some RBL members may come into the church to listen while ringing is taking place. It'll also be promoted by the church and C Hinton village newsletter. So its a definite date.

I'll pick this up again the in new year so we can work on getting a band together.

Big thanks to Ian & Marina for taking a lead on the teaching session on Tuesday.

Thats all for now and see you soon.

Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]

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