[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton practice - Tuesday 5 October

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 29 17:02:14 BST 2021

Hi All

Thanks for a good practice last night.

I'm planning to hold a practice on Tues 5 October - so please let me know by end of Mon 4 October if you are planning to attend.

A couple of notes as below:

As discussed a tower member has expressed a wish to ring with masked ringers at a practice. I've agreed that the first half hour of the practice next week will be masked at least for those ringing during that time until just after 8pm.

Plus please remember we have 'learn more about ringing' evening planned for Tues 12 October from 7.30pm, where people attending the community fair have been invited to join us, and have a go if they wish. I'm expecting at least 3 of the interested people along based on responses so far and will follow up with a reminder on the weekend before. I still want to encourage usual practice attenders along to provide some ringing demonstrations and practice between new people having a go.


Amanda [http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmile.gif]

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