[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Handbells at Cherry Hinton - Friday 26 August 7.30pm

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 22 19:56:26 BST 2022

Hi All

A few people have been asking recently about an evening to get the handbells down from the tower and have a go ringing them while we still have some summer light and warmth available.

The suggested date is Friday 26 August 7.30pm until around 9pm (same as practice) at Cherry Hinton church. We can take the bells into the churchyard for as long as light allows if weather is good or inside the church if not.

I'll try and remember to dig out some of the handbell tunes that I have and bring those along so we can see how those work as well as methods.

Anyone welcome to come along - perhaps bring a drink / snack also if you wish.

Thanks Amanda

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